Sunday, July 10, 2005

Hello Fathers

Hello Fathers

Hello Fathers,

Where did you take your kids this weekend??? Just answer that question for yourselves. In anycase, here is a hint, The Claremont Hotels SUnday Brunch, it is an experience for you and your children.
Fathers take your sons in order that they know how to act when they enter a place such as this, and also take your daughters in order that they know what to expect from a man.

Trust me, your children are watching you everyday,give them something to look forward to. This venue is jsut a start. I just happen to love this place.

Why , you all may ask. Well my father took me there when I was a kid. Posted by Picasa

It made me what I am today, A great man.

Tony Renee Smith
CEO-Ynot Communications

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