Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Hello Fathers,

This is a powerful book- Corporate America vs The Hood, available soon.

Please Please Please, raise your sons and or daughters with the views that abide by the laws of this land, but at the same time please encourage them to own and operate their own businesses.
This will enable them to have the lives that they need and want. I for one am through sending everybody elses child to Harvard,Stanford,Duke and our kids remain looking for a job working for them. Them = the people who are remaining leaders in society. All in all, I am saying , please, I am begging all of you fathers, Teach your children to be The Leaders of Tomorrow. It all starts with you. If you do not know how to do this, just give us a call, or email and we will show you the way to go.

bookstore is located at:

Thank You

Tony Renee Smith
CEO-Ynot Communications


DUB said...

Truly wonderful message.

It's just unfortunate it has to be delivered.


thank you,

this is a painful reality but true.

it is what it is.